Module 4: Engage!
For module 4, one of the tasks was to create my own tweet. This was such a simple task, but it created so much anxiety!
My Growth:
It is almost ridiculous now, looking back on my mindset about Twitter. I was literally confident enough to build my own augmented reality app but was scared of Twitter. Now it seems so simple.
My 21st Century Classroom:
My classroom will benefit from my use of Twitter, as it is now one of my PLN resources, and is constantly giving me updates as to current contemporary art and fashion trends, as well as a place to source new theories on education.
Mastery Mindset:
This was mostly about taking a few deep breaths, watching some funny tutorial videos, and getting it done.
Inquiry / Critical Thinking:
Besides having to teach myself how to use Twitter (actually very easy), the most challenging part of this task was to critically look at what was causing fear around the app.
I think there were a few factors.1) I associate tweets with Donald Trump. 2) I fear the repercussions that Twitter can have as a social media tool and did not want another venue to post something that could be used against me as a teacher. 3) I was afraid of having to commit to checking and updating another tool, that would take my attention away from more valuable content.
So with a critical eye, I can see it is more about LAZYNESS than anything else.