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Module 3: Create 

For module 3, the culminating task was to create a teacher workshop, resource, or inquiry activity that I could use as an educational leader to encourage teachers at my school to use technology to amplify student voice. I chose to make a podcast, about using podcasts in the classroom.

My Growth:

I love learning by audio, and I am a huge fan of audiobooks and podcasts, but I have never made one. I had no idea how to do this, and it required a significant amount of research and testing. I was interested in making the podcast authentic, so I got extremely detailed and made sure to make a logo and imagery, label, and code my audio files, and publish it through a real podcast sharing site.

My 21st Century Classroom:

The process of learning how to complete this project, from planning to publishing, has allowed me to understand how I can use this in my classroom, both for providing an alternative way to provide information to my students and for a way they can show their learning.

Mastery Mindset:

When I first started planning this podcast, it was in the hopes that my 702 partner would be willing to be interviewed on my podcast. This, however, was not the case.


So, I reached out to a few other class members, hoping someone would be willing to collaborate with me. I still had no bites. So I called a friend whom I knew might have used podcasting in her classroom, and she agreed to an interview, but mysteriously disappeared when it came down to the time to complete the interview.


I was at this point at my wit's end. I was determined to have a “special guest” as that is one of the most interesting parts of a podcast (for me) so I tried one more friend.


Elaan, who I knew could speak to podcasts in the classroom, was just returning from vacation that afternoon and agreed to a sushi and podcasting date. I was able to interview her at 8 pm, and finish my podcast that night.

This is anecdotal evidence of my perseverance, and my determination to make a relevant product that was valuable to me, and could be a real useable asset to share with my colleagues.

Inquiry / Critical Thinking:

In the growth section I mention my interest in making a podcast because I had not done so before. This required inquiry on my part, to research, make, test, and publish my work.

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